1. Free leg (L1) Knee flexing with leg raise. Muscles: psoas pull in hip direction parralled to femur shaft
2. Stance leg (L2) Adductors stabilizing leg. (Psoas pulling raised leg in adductor adduct stance legg toward raised leg motion/навстречу в противовес)
3. Trunk makes rotation contlateral. It is antagonistic to L2 groin retraction (как бы втягивание паха).
4. L2 groin retraction. Muscles involved: psoas probably l4-l5 part, with Iliacus, and probably some low back triangle spine muscles
5. Internal hip rotators will assist hip retraction (that internal rotator located on internal part of ichial tuberosity)
6. Glut Max is opposing internal hip rotators
!Important: push into heel (пятка) into abduction direction
that will create small torke in hip external rotators will be engaged, when leg abduction with groin retraction is performed (операясь на пятку ее внетреннюю часть) it will engaged hip internall deep rotators with are pulls ichial tuberosity toward the femur shaft which will unlock SI JOINT
This complex movement is normal for healthy gate
Todo: 1) add some pictures videos with explanatioin and demonstration
2) test in to prove the concept
1. Free leg (L1) Knee flexing with leg raise. Muscles: psoas pull in hip direction parralled to femur shaft
2. Stance leg (L2) Adductors stabilizing leg. (Psoas pulling raised leg in adductor adduct stance legg toward raised leg motion/навстречу в противовес)
3. Trunk makes rotation contlateral. It is antagonistic to L2 groin retraction (как бы втягивание паха).
4. L2 groin retraction. Muscles involved: psoas probably l4-l5 part, with Iliacus, and probably some low back triangle spine muscles
5. Internal hip rotators will assist hip retraction (that internal rotator located on internal part of ichial tuberosity)
6. Glut Max is opposing internal hip rotators
!Important: push into heel (пятка) into abduction direction
that will create small torke in hip external rotators will be engaged, when leg abduction with groin retraction is performed (операясь на пятку ее внетреннюю часть) it will engaged hip internall deep rotators with are pulls ichial tuberosity toward the femur shaft which will unlock SI JOINT
This complex movement is normal for healthy gate
Todo: 1) add some pictures videos with explanatioin and demonstration
2) test in to prove the concept
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