воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

Vastus Laterals/ITB complex impact on Glut Max

Muscle fibers direction shows direction of forces lines on body. When working on rebalancing muscles groups sinergists/antagonists this can gives a clue which muscles have impact on distinction area.

Ex: Tight ITB/Vastus laterals complex.
Restriction of hip extention. Immobilization of Glut Max.
Visual assessment seen overdevelopment of Quads and underdevelopment of Glut Max.
Femur external rotation with hip protraction. If unilateral cause effect of leg elongation, pelvic complex contr rotation, nominate ant rot with adduction, locking SI joint.

Some of Glut max and Vast lat fibers have same direction and some of them inserted in ITB fascia. Needs of release fibers of Vast lat that restrict Hip retraction with Femur abduction and internal rotation. Muscle involved in said action are: glut med post part, glut max, hip int rotators(adductors ant, glut med ant) should be strengthened.

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