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PNF:CRAC - еще одна вещь которую уже придумали
Contract-Relax with Antagonist Contract (CRAC) - это одна из техник PNF когда сначала идет isometric contruction затем consentric antagonistic contruction and static streatch. Я делал для поворота корпуса для усиления MET на low back triangle.
Классический вариант PNF (It is often a combination of passive stretching and isometrics contractions) это Contract-Relax когда сначала производится изометрическая работа в сторону растяжения рассллабление ( пост-изометрическая релаксация) затем мышца удлиняется до новой границы пассивного движения и растягивается врачом.
it is important to note that the stretched muscle should be rested (and relaxed) for at least 20 seconds before performing another PNF technique
the hold-relax
This technique is also called the contract-relax. After assuming an initial passive stretch, the muscle being stretched is isometrically contracted for 7-15 seconds, after which the muscle is briefly relaxed for 2-3 seconds, and then immediately subjected to a passive stretch which stretches the muscle even further than the initial passive stretch. This final passive stretch is held for 10-15 seconds. The muscle is then relaxed for 20 seconds before performing another PNF technique.
the hold-relax-contract
This technique is also called the contract-relax-contract, and the contract-relax-antagonist-contract (or CRAC). It involves performing two isometric contractions: first of the agonists, then, of the antagonists. The first part is similar to the hold-relax where, after assuming an initial passive stretch, the stretched muscle is isometrically contracted for 7-15 seconds. Then the muscle is relaxed while its antagonist immediately performs an isometric contraction that is held for 7-15 seconds. The muscles are then relaxed for 20 seconds before performing another PNF technique.
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