понедельник, 31 января 2011 г.

Muscle Spasm Chain Reaction. Stress-Stretch.

Muscle Spasm Chain Reaction theory created by Dr. Bilkey Physician with 30 year experience familiar with manual therapy, osteopathy, rehabilitation  etc. The main idea is there are 4 muscle very important: sternocledomastoid, seratus anterior, quadratus lumborum, hip flexor. First tree 3 muscle is key triggers in chronic pain. They start circle of disfuncion.  Muscles should be treated for trigger points and spasm by massage then streatched and streingthening.
         The primary offender is Serratus Anterior. Spasm Chain starts from this muscle. SA is first acting muscle in  fear or defense reflex. To offence or defense this muscle is used primary and 

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