воскресенье, 2 января 2011 г.

PNF again

Уже несколько дней подрд пытаюсь растянуть спазмированные мышцы икры и tibialis posterior
Делал guasha, hot stones, deep tissue, cross friction, static streaching
в итоге после стретчинга видимо черезмерного почувствовал еще больше stiffness похожую на судоргу.

Решил пересмотреть стратегию растяжки
Наткнулся на интересную кнугу Science of flexibility By Michael J. Alter
Читал AIS и PNF
Нашел упоминание об интересной технике Spiral and Diagonal Plane (Rotary) PNF Techniques developed by Kobat and Knott. Основная идея метода. Обычно мышцы распологаются по диагонали относительно insertion and origin. Поэтому оптимальное (full range) движение по диагонали и часто вращательное. Различают три копмонента diagonal or spiral patterns: flexion or extension, motion across toward middle line, motion  across away from middle line; 3rd pattern is rotation.
Компонент который производит больший  stretching называется primary action component, остальные secondary etc.

Несколько ссылок со схемами PNF

pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook The athlete and partner assume the position for the stretch, and then the partner extends the body limb until the muscle is stretched and tension is felt.
pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook The athlete then contracts the stretched muscle for 5 - 6 seconds and the partner must inhibit all movement. (The force of the contraction should be relevant to the condition of the muscle. For example, if the muscle has been injured, do not apply a maximum contraction).
pnf-stretch taken from The Stretching Handbook The muscle group is relaxed, then immediately and cautiously pushed past its normal range of movement for about 20 to 30 seconds. Allow 30 seconds recovery before repeating the procedure 2 - 4 times.


  • A partner moves the athlete,s extended leg to a point of mild discomfort. This passive stretch is held for 10 seconds.
  • On instruction, the athlete isometrically contracts the hamstrings by pushing their extended leg against their partner's hand. The partner should apply just enough force so that the leg remains static. This is the 'hold' phase and lasts for 6 seconds.
  • The athlete is then instructed to 'relax' and the partner completes a second passive stretch held for 30 seconds. The athlete's extended leg should move further than before (greater hip flexion) due to autogenic inhibition activated in the hamstrings.

  • A partner moves the athlete's extended leg to a point of mild discomfort. This passive stretch is held for 10 seconds.
  • On instruction, the athlete concentrically contracts the hamstrings by pushing their extended leg against their partner's hand. The partner should apply enough force so that there is resistance while allowing the athlete to push their leg to the floor (i.e. through the full range of motion). This is the 'contract' phase.
  • The athlete is then instructed to 'relax' and the partner completes a second passive stretch held for 30 seconds. The athlete's extended leg should move further than before (greater hip flexion) due to autogenic inhibition activated in the hamstrings.
Hold-Relax with Opposing Muscle Contraction

  • A partner moves the athlete's extended leg to a point of mild discomfort. This passive stretch is held for 10 seconds.
  • On instruction, the athlete isometrically contracts the hamstrings by pushing their extended leg against their partner's hand. The partner should apply just enough force so that the leg remains static. This is the 'hold' phase and lasts for 6 seconds. This initiates autogenic inhibition.
  • The partner completes a second passive stretch held for 30 seconds, however the athlete is instructed to flex the hip (i.e. pull the leg in the same direction as it is being pushed). This initiates reciprocal inhibition allowing the final stretch to be greater.
Here are some other general guidelines when completing PNF stretching:
    1. Leave 48 hours between PNF stretching routines. 2. Perform only one exercise per muscle group in a session. 3. For each muscle group complete 2-5 sets of the chosen exercise. 4. Each set should consist of one stretch held for up to 30 seconds after the contracting phase. 5. PNF stretching is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. 6. If PNF stretching is to be performed as a separate exercise session, a thorough warm up consisting of 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise and some dynamic stretches must precede it. 7. Avoid PNF immediately before, or on the morning of competition.

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