Ilio-Sacral Diagnosis and Treatment, Part Three: Gluteus Medius, Piriformis and Pubic Symphysis - Positional Release and Rehabilitation Exercises: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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Counterstrain for Gluteus Medius
Positional release: extension, abduction и если надо external rotation of the hip
"Classic counterstrain requires you to hold this position for 90 seconds. (Yes, 90 seconds seems like forever, and some say you can shorten the time to 20 to 30 seconds by doing a brief, gentle contract-relax of the muscle involved or its antagonist.[???тут вот мне не совсем понятно надо подумать???]) When you are done, slowly let the leg back down. Don't let the patient help you; come out of the position with the patient as passive as possible. Retest with pressure on the tender point. When you are done, if the technique was correct, there will be a dramatic diminishing of the tenderness."
В очередной раз говорится о важности укрепления gluteus medius для стабилизации pelvis, обычно ослаблены
Ногу надо поднимать прямо на 8 inch (20см ) ето немного
как я понимаю если поднимать сильнее будут включаться
transverse obliqu, quadratus lumborum
живот втянуть, стопа параллельно полу
Также рекомендуется растягивать periformis, он обычно tight & short
"You are both pulling your leg up with your arm toward the opposite shoulder, and pushing your leg down toward the table"
Shears - это upslip downslip
Flares - это открытый закрытый полутаз (inflare outflare)
Примечательно что автор счтитает rotation in sa
Довольно интересная статья
Counterstrain for Gluteus Medius
Positional release: extension, abduction и если надо external rotation of the hip
"Classic counterstrain requires you to hold this position for 90 seconds. (Yes, 90 seconds seems like forever, and some say you can shorten the time to 20 to 30 seconds by doing a brief, gentle contract-relax of the muscle involved or its antagonist.[???тут вот мне не совсем понятно надо подумать???]) When you are done, slowly let the leg back down. Don't let the patient help you; come out of the position with the patient as passive as possible. Retest with pressure on the tender point. When you are done, if the technique was correct, there will be a dramatic diminishing of the tenderness."
В очередной раз говорится о важности укрепления gluteus medius для стабилизации pelvis, обычно ослаблены
Ногу надо поднимать прямо на 8 inch (20см ) ето немного
как я понимаю если поднимать сильнее будут включаться
transverse obliqu, quadratus lumborum
живот втянуть, стопа параллельно полу
Также рекомендуется растягивать periformis, он обычно tight & short
"You are both pulling your leg up with your arm toward the opposite shoulder, and pushing your leg down toward the table"
Shears - это upslip downslip
Flares - это открытый закрытый полутаз (inflare outflare)
Subluxation | Qualities | Keys |
shears upslip/downslip | all landmarks are inferior or superior; stiff side resists inferior or superior motion | assess both supine and prone nonphysiological shear |
flares internal/external | ASIS stuck medial or lateral | tender medial side of ASIS |
sagittal rotation PI and AS | usually a compensation; ASIS inferior or superior | don't correct over and over |
ilio-sacral separation | ilium resists medial motion; can coexist with hypermobility of same side | check gluteus medius |
pubic symphysis | separation and inferior/superior | tender lateral border of tubercles |
Примечательно что автор счтитает rotation in sa
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