четверг, 7 июля 2011 г.

Closed chain MET; bones as soft tissues

Tendons more prone to repetitive overuse than acute injury

Piriformis syndrom
Posterior pelvic rotation-> periformis compression->
Sitting -> stress on Piriformis-> shortening Piriformis->femur abduction-> weight shift-> glut med stress->shortening->inominate abduction

Decrease pressure until tissues don't push u out

Push or pull muscle energy
Engage joint cheers dosednii sustav
Hip cherz knee
Knee cherz ankle
Ankle cheers knee

Force goes throug vspomogatel'nii joint blizko k osi kosti
Ex. Push into table with arm extended sitting poss chest open

Compress attachment mus in short rom
Passive stretch
Active close chane stretch with release
Exhale relax act move in short rom
Fixate very steady joint
Pos release
Inhale move in long rom

Note: deistvuet ocher' efectivmo
Ispolzpvat posi iz yogi

Preassure with single finger
Sensational phenomen
Press on bone
Immediate effect

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