вторник, 12 марта 2013 г.

Hip/Innominate fascial disfunction

Main reason of most miofascial disfunction is fascia. It is true especially for Pelvic/Hip complex. Pelvic Ligament system is build to absorb forces while running and without it those connective tissues begin to shrink and tighten up (ITB upper part Pelvic-Hip part, Hip-Knee part). Also sitting decreases circulation in the back of the thighs (Hamstings) and ischial area (sacro tuberouse ligament, Gluteus Maximus lower portion, Levator Ani connected with GL Max).

In result Hip Flexion with flexed knee becomes restricted by tight Lower Gl Max/ SacrTub Lig, Leg Extention becomes restricted by tight ITB Iliac-Hip Part, Knee-Hip part. The first named restriction leads to overloaded Gl Medius Anterior Part, TFL, Sometimes Tight Psoas and deactivates выключает из работы  Illiacus.  The latest restriction leads to deactivation (выключение из работы) Gluteus Maximus upper part, which plays important role in balancing (streaching) TFL, Ant Gl Med, ITB Iliac part and therefor control weight distribution through hip. In many cases Pelvic Obliquency caused by imbalance between TFL, GL Med Ant, ITB Pelvic, and External Hip Rotators (GL Max Upper, GlMed Post, Obturators, Periformis)

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