понедельник, 28 марта 2011 г.

Ilia Psoas rehab

Physical Therapy or Athletic Training Therapy and Rehabilitation

Both active and passive stretching exercises that include hip and knee extension should be the focus of the program. Stretching the hip into extension and limiting excessive knee flexionavoids placing the rectus femoris in a position of passive insufficiency, thereby maximizing the stretch to the iliopsoas tendon.[????????думаю это может значить что psoas надо растягивать когда с knee полусогнутой или выпрямленной] Strengthening exercises for the hip flexors may also be an appropriate component of the program. Education, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug regimen, as well as activity modification or activity progression (or both) may be used. Once symptoms have decreased a maintenance program of stretching and strengthening can be initiated. Light aerobic activity (warmup) followed by stretching and strengthening of the properhamstringhip flexors, and iliotibial band length is important for reducing recurrences.


A self-treatment recommended by the U.S. Army for a soft tissue injury of the iliopsoas muscle treatment, like for other soft tissue injuries, is a HI-RICE (Hydration, Ibuprofen, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) regimen lasting for at least 48 to 72 hours after the onset of pain. "Rest" includes such commonsense prescriptions as avoiding running or hiking (especially on hills), and avoiding exercises such as baseball, jumping, sit-ups or leg lifts/flutter kicks.
Stretching of the tight structures (piriformis, hip abductor, and hip flexor muscle) may alleviate the symptoms (see link, pg. 3, for examples) The involved muscle is stretched until the "feeling of stretch" fades away (from 45 seconds up to 3-4 minutes), repeated three times separated by 30 second to 1 minute rest periods, in sets performed three to four times daily for six to eight weeks.[6] This should allow the soldier to progress back into jogging until symptoms disappear.[6]

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