External Rotators Internal Rotators
Psoas Major Gluteus minimus
Iliacus Gluteus Medius (anterior)
Sartorius Tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus Maximus Adductor longus
Piriformis Semimembranosus
Quadratus femoris Semitendinosus
Gemellus superior and inferior
Obturator externus and internus
Gluteus medius (posterior)
As mentioned in the above text, lumbo pelvic posture may be affected with tight and/or weak hip
rotators. If the athlete/client experiences tight hip external rotators, pelvic positioning may be altered.
This tightness may cause the pelvis to retrovert (posterior tilt) due to the insertion into sacrum, and the
thoracolumbar fascia, which may further affect the positioning of the lumbar spine. Due to this
posterior pelvic tilt, the lumbar spine takes on a flexed disposition, which is commonly referred to as“flat back”. This affects the curvature of the lumbar spine (flattens back and decreases lordotic
curvature of the lumbar spine). This postural distortion may place unwanted stress to the low back and
cause future trauma to the lumbar region. This may be the cause of bulging and/or herniated disks
(Regan, 2000).
In contrast, tight hip internal rotators may cause an anteverted pelvis (anteriorly tilted pelvis), which
increases the lordotic curvature of the spine placing stress on this area. Injuries may occur to athletes
via stress to the pars interarticularis and facet joints (Regan, 2000). Both of these compensatory factors
affect the integrity of the lumbar spine. Tight hip rotators may pose to be problematic to athletes in
sports such as hockey, tennis and auto racing. When the hip rotators are tight, the athlete many times
compensates with rotation of the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine is composed of five vertebrae which
increase is size superior to inferior. This area is built more for stability versus mobility as excessive
rotation to this area may cause injury during athletic performance. Please view Table 2.0 for a look at
the healthy spine.
Having strong, flexible hip rotators can allow for optimum performance and decrease the
strain/pressure placed on other regions of the body (lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and SI joint). This
will allow movement patterns to occur more efficiently increasing performance standards and ensuring
the integrity of the athletes’ health in regards to preventing sports related injury.
(1) Boyle, Michael, Functional Training For Sports, Human Kinetics, Copyright 2004, pp. 85-91.
(2) Frederic, D, Strength Training Anatomy, Human Kinetics, Copyright 2001, pp. 71- 74.
(3) Ninos, J, A Chain Reaction: The Hip Rotators, Strength and Conditioning Journal, 2001, Vol. 23,
No.2, pp. 26-27.(4) Regan, D, Implications of Hip Rotators in Lumbar Spine Injuries, Strength and Conditioning
Journal, December 2000, Vol.22, No.6, pp. 7-13.
External Rotators Internal Rotators
Psoas Major Gluteus minimus
Iliacus Gluteus Medius (anterior)
Sartorius Tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus Maximus Adductor longus
Piriformis Semimembranosus
Quadratus femoris Semitendinosus
Gemellus superior and inferior
Obturator externus and internus
Gluteus medius (posterior)
As mentioned in the above text, lumbo pelvic posture may be affected with tight and/or weak hip
rotators. If the athlete/client experiences tight hip external rotators, pelvic positioning may be altered.
This tightness may cause the pelvis to retrovert (posterior tilt) due to the insertion into sacrum, and the
thoracolumbar fascia, which may further affect the positioning of the lumbar spine. Due to this
posterior pelvic tilt, the lumbar spine takes on a flexed disposition, which is commonly referred to as“flat back”. This affects the curvature of the lumbar spine (flattens back and decreases lordotic
curvature of the lumbar spine). This postural distortion may place unwanted stress to the low back and
cause future trauma to the lumbar region. This may be the cause of bulging and/or herniated disks
(Regan, 2000).
In contrast, tight hip internal rotators may cause an anteverted pelvis (anteriorly tilted pelvis), which
increases the lordotic curvature of the spine placing stress on this area. Injuries may occur to athletes
via stress to the pars interarticularis and facet joints (Regan, 2000). Both of these compensatory factors
affect the integrity of the lumbar spine. Tight hip rotators may pose to be problematic to athletes in
sports such as hockey, tennis and auto racing. When the hip rotators are tight, the athlete many times
compensates with rotation of the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine is composed of five vertebrae which
increase is size superior to inferior. This area is built more for stability versus mobility as excessive
rotation to this area may cause injury during athletic performance. Please view Table 2.0 for a look at
the healthy spine.
Having strong, flexible hip rotators can allow for optimum performance and decrease the
strain/pressure placed on other regions of the body (lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and SI joint). This
will allow movement patterns to occur more efficiently increasing performance standards and ensuring
the integrity of the athletes’ health in regards to preventing sports related injury.
(1) Boyle, Michael, Functional Training For Sports, Human Kinetics, Copyright 2004, pp. 85-91.
(2) Frederic, D, Strength Training Anatomy, Human Kinetics, Copyright 2001, pp. 71- 74.
(3) Ninos, J, A Chain Reaction: The Hip Rotators, Strength and Conditioning Journal, 2001, Vol. 23,
No.2, pp. 26-27.(4) Regan, D, Implications of Hip Rotators in Lumbar Spine Injuries, Strength and Conditioning
Journal, December 2000, Vol.22, No.6, pp. 7-13.
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